Firestone Building

This historic building was originally built in 1927, with a later addition added in 1932.  After being left mostly abandoned and vacant for over forty years, Joyner Construction, Inc. began a massive renovation on the building, with a demolition, structural, and buildout phase included in the project.  Joyner Construction, Inc. maintained the building’s historical attributes while bringing it up to current code.  This building received an award after construction for adaptive reuse by the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation.

Holy Trinity Episcopalian Church

This daycare/school was a remodel and new construction in 2014, which was a 1.4 million dollar, 13,000 SF building. This daycare/school is for infants thru 6 years old children. The project was for new masonry and existing masonry walls, reroof existing roof and add new roof over new construction, interior furnishes, new playground and rework existing parking and utilities.